Sell Reverend Guitar Reverend USA Guitar Reverend USA Guitar Reverend USA GuitarReverend USA Guitar Reverend USA GuitarReverend USA Guitar

Some other interesting sites

Winter Sound Music Shop

Best "little" Music Shop I have Ever Been Inside

Silvertone World You know the drill. You are traveling and in a unfamiliar place, but you see a music store and you are just compelled to stop in.

Ninety Nine percent of the time, the shop has a wall that would accomodate 30 guitars, but all that is up there are 3 crappy knock off Strats and a budget acoustic or two.  You walk in, there is dust on everything, and the employees ingnore you which is great because you just want to get the heck out of there anyway.

I was prepared for this to be my experience in Winter Sound in Gloucester Point VA. I was visiting my brother and his family and the music store was right around the corner. So, to get some peace and quiet and to retreat to a man cave, I headed for Winter Sound.

From the outside, it had that small shop appearance, but as soon as I stepped inside I was blown away. They have just about everything I could think of. While it looks small from the outside, it just kept going and going. Room after room of guitars, basses, drums, PA equipement, amps, new and used gear galore. I was in music store heaven. They carried most of the line up in the Martin/Taylor/Gibson trio in their cedar acousetic room, and covered the everything from beginner strats to collector pieces in the electric line ups.

The staff was friendly and helpful and not a bit pushy. They let the instruments sell themselves, but are ready to guide and answer questions with out intimidating or BS-ing the customer.

I talked to one gentlemen for half an hour about various musical instruments and equipment before finding out that he was the owner of the shop.

They have been in business for years, through bad economies and good, and its easy to see why. They have a great inventory and treat their customers like gold. Now I am looking forward to visiting my brothers family again, just to spend more time in that wonderful music store. If you are ever in the area: 1714 George Washington Memorial Highway Gloucester Point, VA 23062, do yourself a favor and stop in!

Silvertone World

Enthusiast Site for Another American Brand Guitar Silvertone World An astute Reverend fan alerted me to this site, and its pretty friggin' cool! Lots of information on Amps, Guitars, Radios... well, ANYTHING Silvertone. Similar format (context wise anyway) to our own Revfan site. Even includes an eBay market watch! Even if you are not a Silvertone Fan, do yourself a favor and check it out!


The place to shop for cool Gifts for that "hard to buy for" person! SUCK UK Sunjar My brother in law sent us a Sun Jar for Christmas.  I am a little suspect because he is a dude, and guys don't usually put a whole lot of effort into gift selection.  My money is betting that his wife, Helene' help out.

We always get something cool and interesting from them during gift giving occasions and this year was no exception. Its pretty simple in idea and design... basically its a mason jar with a solar panel and a led light.

The kids are fascinated with it, and can't wait to take it camping. It makes a great night light, just stick it in the window and viola'.

But I also have to mention the company. The light arrived broken (the mason jar was cracked) as it was probably shipped around the world before it got to us (UK > USA > Germany) and though the light still worked, we were concerned that over anxious 4 and 6 year olds would cut themselves on the glass while fighting over who would get to have it in their room.

I e-mailed the company and spoke to Gemma who took care of the problem as if I were "family". I can't say enough about this, as we live in an era where work is a place where people go, not something they do> Customer Service usually stops as soon as the charge goes through on you credit card purchase.

Not the case with Gemma and SUCK UK. My situation was taken care of within days, and I couldn't be happier. I will be making more purchases from SUCK UK in the future; first, because they have cool products, and second, because they take care of their customers.

Michael Yon

If you want to know what is REALLY going on in Iraq and Afghanistan, check out this website. Michael Yon is an ex-Special Forces soldier who is now an independent reporter in Iraq and Afghanistan. This is a no bullshit account of what is going on, what our troops are going through, and our affect in the Middle East. It is not partisan politics, its real reporting.

Order of the Stick

Order of the Stick Have you ever rolled a d20? Do you even know what that is? If you grew up in the 80s (maybe 90s too) than you have probably played Dungeons and Dragons at least once or five thousand times. If so, you are going to like this web comics send up of the grand daddy of all role playing games. Before we had XBox, Playstation and Nvidia, we had paper, pencils, dice, and our imagination.

I got addicted to this website about a year ago and check for new episodes just about every day (you get about 3 new ones a week, but not on any regular schedule)

The link is to page one of the cartoon, but several hours later, you will be caught up with the webs most popular adventuring party!

Gentlemen of Fortune

A Reference Site for those interested in the Golden Age of Piracy Pirate Reenacting If you have ever wanted to dress up like a pirate, draw your sword and shout "Arrrr!", this may be the place for you. This site tries to dispel the myths surrounding 18th Century piracy, and gives you a historical perspective of how they looked.